The Gospels of the EgyptiansGospel Accounts Received in Greek and CopticThe Four Egyptian Divines respresent the same life forces as the Four Vitalizers (Living Creatures) in the Book of Revelation. The following two gospel accounts can be freely accessed on the Internet, and are excerpts from the Grand Bible by Lord Henfield. They can be freely shared. Commercial use of these is prohibited. The Grand Bible has two editions (circa 2024), and the following text is from the older edition. Those that experience a spiritual break-through, and who have studied original Biblical languages, and who have studied the English word meanings before our modern era, should gain a spiritual aspect to the meaning of the following writings. Those lacking the understanding of all of these things likely will have only a carnal aspect of the writings. It is suggested to study the Messiah’s writings in the Greek, the prophet’s writings in the Hebrew, and study English words also, esp. from older dictionaries. Read everything! As it is written in Revelation 4:6— And before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal. And in the midst of the throne, and surrounding the throne, were four vitalizers that swell out their Eyes in front of and at the back of them selves. |