Initial Doctrinal Lesson
An introduction to the Doctrine of the Mashiachites.

Death reigns over us by the transgression of Adam (Romans 5:14).
Yahweh has made Yahshua to be both Ruler and Mashiach (Acts 2:36).
Anyone will have remission of sins through repentance and then by being baptized in the name of Yahshua Mashiach (Acts 2:38).
We are buried with Yahshua by baptism into death (Romans 6:4).
After baptism we should walk in renewal, restoration of life, into the proper spiritual condition (Romans 6:4, Second Corinthians 3:6).
We should stop passing judgment on one another, but set our mind to remove every stumbling-block (Romans 14:7-13).
We should prepare the way: to remove the stumbling-blocks (Isa. 57:14, Luke 7:27).
We should become poets (writers in verse, using the proper measure) of the precepts to become innocent (Romans 2:13, Yaaqob, a.k.a. James 1:22).
Note: In Romans 2:13 and Yaaqob 1:22 the Greek word poietes should be translated poet, not doer.
We should receive an initial written endowment of holy spirit from an apostle of Yahshua (Acts 19:5-6, Acts 2:38, 42).
Note: Spiritual Break-through Book is now available, as of December 13, 2024.

Prophecy Fulfilled Again?
What are Mashiachites Doing Today Related to Prophecy?

Yahshua Mashiach appeared first in a physical body about 1 c.e.
Yahshua Mashiach has started a second coming in a spiritual body.
Yahshua was born the son of Yahseph and is the Mashiach.
He is identified during ritual water baptism as Yahshua Ben Yahseph, the Messiah.
Eliyah, is a compound Hebrew word meaning chief or strength (A-L shortened form of A-Y-L) of Yahweh (Y-H, poetic form of Yahweh).
Chief means One who is highest in rank or authority.
Rank means a high position; a row, line, or series; a line of things standing side by side, esp. of soldiers.
Spiritually this is referring to the opening of the messianic torah, the first principle in the body of precpets.
The opening is the very first thing shown in your initial written endowment of holy spirit.
Yahshua Ben Yahseph, the Mashiach, points out the opening of the messianic torah, so that as many as receive him, see the chief of Yahweh in written form.
Therefore, in a spiritual sense Eliyah has come, and by continuing in the power conferred by it, Mashiach eventually appears spiritually in the completed messianic torah.
Study means to apply one's mind purposefully to the acquisition of knowledge or understanding of a course (mode, i.e. a way of action) of study.
The way is purposeful and allows a person to acquire spiritual understanding.
As you write, under the direction of Yahshua Ben Yahseph's writings, using the way he prescribed, you see what you are studying.
We practice by making our own hand written copy of our initial endowment.
Is prophecy being fulfilled again in these last days by any person doing these things?